Midweek Adult Studies
Section Title
Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 PM- Beginning September 10th.
-Childcare is available in the Toddler Room-
Discipleship class: Beginner's Guide to the Bible- Meeting in the Annex: 205 5th St
A basic course designed to give a solid understanding of the purpose of the Bible, difference between Old and New Testaments, different types of writing in the Bible, and the main characters God used to advance His Story.
Led by Anthony Wright. Childcare is available. Please register using this link.
Discipleship Class: Establishing Biblical Priorities- Meeting in the Sanctuary
Life is full of issues demanding your time, money, and attention. So many families today are "drowning" in an attempt to meet the expectations of others. Fortunately, God has outlined a priority plan for those who choose to follow Him. Stop the insanity cycle and find the productive peace God has prepared for you!
Led by Brady and Heather Thornton. Childcare is available. Please register using this link.
Bible Read-Through- Meeting in the Activity Room
Follow along and study the bible chronologically. Already in progress.
Located in the Activity Room - want to participate by Zoom? Notify Jesse and Erin Phipps here.
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Wednesday Morning Studies
Men's Bible Study: 6:30 AM- ongoing; meeting in the Annex: 205 5th St
Women's Bible Study: 9:45 AM- Starts 9/4; Studying the book of Esther; meeting in the Annex: 205 5th St
*No Childcare Available
Both of these study groups are focused on giving men the opportunity to come together with the purpose of growing in Christ, building fellowship with one another, and learning how to become the Spiritual leader God intended you to be. The two groups meet consistently every week.