Thanks for taking the time to check us out! LIFE Fellowship Frederick is a church committed to a few simple things:
- Lifting up the name of Jesus.
- Proclaiming the truth of God's Word.
- Making disciples of Christ within our congregation.
- Reaching our community for the Kingdom of God.
We seek to be a church that provides an opportunity for people of all ages and from all walks of life to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join us this Sunday and see if God would have you become a part of the LIFE Fellowship family!
What to Wear
We are fairly informal here. Dress is casual; come as you you are, dress up if you’d like.
How to Find Us
Service Times
8:30 AM and 10:30 AM
451 Oak Street
Frederick, CO 80530
Where to Park
Main Parking Lot: Western side of our building.
Other Parking: Street parking is available on both sides of 5th Street and Oak Street
We have reserved spaces (marked by signs) on Fifth and Oak Streets closest to the main entrance for the disabled and the elderly.
Where to Enter
The main entrances to both the Sanctuary and the Children’s area are on Oak Street (East side of the building).